Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Personal hygiene
Please make sure to catch all coughs and sneezes and wash your hands regularly
Avoid all mass social gatherings and reduce public transport to essential journeys only
Contact 111
If you feel you have a fever, dry cough and are struggling to breathe
Patient Information Post COVID-19
Last updated: 1st September, 2020
Even though your next experience with us may be a little different, these new measures are designed with your health and well-being in mind. Below are the modifications required to keep not only you, but our staff, as safe as possible.
This policy will be updated and modified as we gain more scientific evidence as to the most appropriate treatment protocols, ensuring the highest standard of safety, in line with the recommendations and guidance published by the Department of Health.
Before your appointment
Please don’t arrive too early or be late for your appointment and you must enter ICE alone, unless necessary (exceptions include guardians or carers). This will help us maintain social distancing by avoiding a ‘build-up’ of patients in our reception area.
In some cases, we may ask you to wait outside or in your car, and we will call you by phone when we are ready for you to enter the reception area.
We’ll send you forms to complete prior to your appointment and contact you 24 hours beforehand to ask some health-related questions. Where possible, e-forms rather than paper forms will be used, and we’ll also ask you to pay by contactless cards or BACS payments.
By screening beforehand, your medical condition will help us to determine a risk profile and vulnerability status for us to schedule appointments accordingly, therefore reducing the risk of possible COVID-19 infectious disease spread.
Whenever possible, appointments will be staggered and prolonged to allow time for these extra measures between cases. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation in these difficult times.
Inside ICE & during your treatment
As above, please arrive on time and alone, where possible, and only bring essential belongings with you. Upon arrival, please expect the following:
- Plastic screens have been installed on our reception desk, please try and maintain a 2m distance from the reception team and avoid touching the screen
- We’ll ask you some arrival questions to confirm the information you gave in the pre-visit call
- We’ll check your temperature using a non-contact thermometer. If it is deemed too high, your appointment will be rescheduled for a later date
- Patients’ bathrooms are still operational but please ask the receptionist before use
You must clean your hands as you enter the practice using the antibacterial gel provided. All ICE staff will wear appropriate personal protective equipment to ensure their safety – as well as yours.
Entry to the practice will be restricted to essential staff only. We have developed an open delivery policy for deliveries from the suppliers and dental laboratories.
Before your treatment you will be given a disposable bib and will be asked to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide, iodine or hypochlorous (HOCL) mouthwash for 1 minute. If necessary, a nasal swab disinfectant might also be used.
During your treatment we will wear the necessary PPE which will vary slightly depending on the type of AGP or non-AGP procedure you will require. Aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) are any procedures that induce the production of aerosols of various sizes, including droplet nuclei. For most non-AGP treatment we will wear a surgical mask, our usual scrubs and goggles/glasses. For AGP procedures we may don a disposable gown and a filtered mask (known as FFP2 or FFP3 or N95). We may also wear a face shield over our masks.
The treatment room may be equipped with medical isolation room air filtration units which unfortunately could give higher background noise produced by the high-volume extractor fan.
In some cases, we may choose to use an extraoral air evacuation hose near the operating field to reduce the percentage of aerosols/ droplets produced during the treatment. This may be supplemented with use of a rubber dam or mouth shield.
After the completion of your treatment you will be asked to wash your hands, put your mask on and leave the room to put your jacket or overcoat on (outside the treatment room).
After your treatment
Current evidence shows that Covid-19 and similar pathogens can stay in the room after an AGP procedure for at least 1 hour afterwards. Therefore, this time will be used appropriately by the appointed member of staff to decontaminate and deep clean the clinic after every treatment.
In light of the ongoing pandemic, ICE has created a new role among staff for an Environmental Decontamination Officer. This person will essentially reprocess reusable medical devices, disassemble, clean, disinfect, check, assemble and sterilise anything you may have come in contact with while on the premises, including touch points such as door handles and lift buttons, as well as reception areas and waiting rooms. This will be carried out at regular intervals, scheduled around appointments.
Unfortunately, the impact of coronavirus will inevitably effect some of our scheduled courses and clinics for an indefinite period. Please see the below questions and answers for further information.
Patients that are currently under treatment, which has been delayed or postponed, will be prioritised for the first three months.
If within 14 days of your appointment you begin to develop any symptoms of possible COVID-19, such as a high fever or a new continuous cough, you should contact a member of the ICE team to inform them and follow the appropriate self-isolation advice.
Download our Information Pack Post COVID-19
ICE Medical History Form
To obtain the best and safest treatment for you, your dentist needs to know all aspects of your health, which may effect your treatment. Please complete this form at least 3 days prior to your appointment, which your dentist will discuss fully with you before commencing treatment. If you have any questions, please ask your dentist. All information will be kept completely confidential. Thank you.

Email Us
Call Us
Fill in our ice covid-19 Form
ICE Medical History Form Post COVID-19
To obtain the best and safest treatment for you, your dentist needs to know all aspects of your health, which may effect your treatment. Please complete this form at least 3 days prior to your appointment, which your dentist will discuss fully with you before commencing treatment. If you have any questions, please ask your dentist. All information will be kept completely confidential. Thank you.
ICE Medical History Form
If you would like to refer yourself to receive treatment from Professor Ucer, please fill out the referral form below.
from a doctor hospital clinic or alternative therapist?
(e.g. tablets, ointments, injections inhalers including contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy)?
(e.g. antibiotics), substances (e.g. latex) or foods?
following injury, tooth extraction or surgery?
(e.g. jaundice, hepatitis) or kidney disease?
Growth hormone treatment prior to 1985, a close relative with Creutzfeld
Description | Information | Quantity | Price |
Discount : | |||
Total : |
Useful links
This link provides general public health guidance:
Coronavirus and the dental practice:
The World Health Organization (WHO):
Frequently Asked Questions
I have an appointment booked - should I still come in?
As of Wednesday, 25th March, ICE closed completely for an indefinite period. Whilst this is a temporary closure, we will not stop to provide you with advice and care, in relation to clinics, courses or treatments.
Please note, if you have any appointments with us, the dental team will be in contact, if they haven’t already, to postpone all appointments until further notice.
ICE hopes to be operational from Monday, 15th June, unless there is an extension on the current lockdown.
Are you still taking referrals?
Yes, but we are not actioning at them at the moment.
Once we receive your referral, we will send out a confirmation letter acknowledging it, however we are unable to determine a consultation date at this time.
Please note: We are continuously updating our policies and procedures following government guidelines.
Who is your COVID-19 lead?
As an advisory measure, by the British Dental Association(BDA), we have elected our lead nurse and clinical manager, Jenny Jones, as the COVID-19 lead at ICE.
This means that they will be the point of contact if you suspect you have COVID-19 or if you have been in contact with someone who has the symptoms and you have recently been to ICE.
Please contact Jenny Jones by email:
Who can I speak to about more information?
- Please contact our dental team on 0161 413 8330 if you have any concerns regarding your appointment with us.
- Please visit our contact page if you would like to get in touch with any other member of our team, including the Manchester Dental Implant Clinic.
I have a course booked - should I still come in?
Upcoming courses that are postponed until further notice:
- NEBDN Certificate in Dental Implant Nursing –Record of Competence submission date has been moved back to 1st September. The Exam is still scheduled for 11th September. (please see course page). Students have been offered the option to defer to the next exam which will be in March 2021.
- Maintaining and Treating Peri-Implant Tissues – 1st & 2nd May, 2020
- Dental Radiography – 13th July 2020 – 17th July, 2020
- MSc Dental Implantology – all face to face teaching is suspended and is being replaced by live streamed and recorded lectures using the University of Salford Blackboard system, wherever possible. Clinical days are postponed and will be rearranged.
If you have any further concerns in relation to your course, please contact the Programmes Administrator and Business Manager, Carl Morgan: Tel: 0161 413 8335, Email:
What are you doing to stop the spread of COVID-19?
At ICE, we routinely follow a diligently clinical hygiene regimen, however we are now being extra vigilant using robust infection control procedures. These include wiping down surfaces, having hand sanitiser readily available in common areas and deep cleaning the hospital out of hours.
What are your arrangements in place if someone gets COVID-19?
ICE has a procedure in place to identify and isolate potential transmission between staff and patients. However, in the event of a suspected case, we would rapidly move into a decontamination phase (cleaning and disinfection) at the hospital.