Next Start Date
February 2025
Course Fee
£3,900 (instalments option available)
52 hours
This course is led by Professor Cemal Ucer and is accredited by the University of Salford
A unique surgical training course in 5 parts:
- February 2025 – Part 1 – Webinar Series
- 23th May 2025 – Part 2 – Face-to-face lectures and Q&A session at ICE Hospital
- 24th May 2025 – Part 3 – Live surgery and pre-clinical workshop at ICE Hospital
- 18th & 19th July 2025 – Part 4 – Two days of lectures and cadaveric surgical training
- Part 5 – Perform sinus grafting under expert supervision at ICE Hospital (OPTIONAL)

Lectures include:
- Surgical anatomy of the paranasal sinuses
- Assessment, diagnosis of maxillary sinus diseases
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) with cadaveric demonstration
- Balloon sinuplasty
- Sinus pathology and management
- When to operate and when to refer for ENT opinion and treatment
- Preparation for reconstructive/sinus surgery and diagnostic criteria for case analysis
- Complications, prevention & management
- Trigeminal Nerve injury, prevention and management
- Medicolegal considerations and Human Factors in reconstructive surgery
- Lateral window and crestal sinus lift technique and success criteria
- Block bone grafting and the bone ring technique
- Vertical & horizontal GBR technique with Professor Ucer’s 30 years of clinical and experimental evidence
- Bioactive modifiers, including Platelet Rich Growth Factors in Regenerative Surgery
- Treatment planning of the atrophic maxilla and mandible including the zygomatic &
- Pterygoid implant options
- 3D diagnostic imaging, digital workflow & 3D treatment planning
- Implant-Pro assessment and treatment planning software
- Critical appraisal and characteristics of bone and tissue regenerative biomaterials

Course Overview
Advanced Bone & Tissue Regenerative Surgery for the reconstruction of severely atrophic jaw
This unique CPD programme is designed to provide highly structured and comprehensive training for the experienced implant surgeon in reconstructive pre-prosthetic oral surgery.
The programme is designed to teach delegates to:
a) Gain comprehensive knowledge through a series of pre-course preparatory webinars delivered by experts in the field
b) Develop hands on cadaveric surgical skills
c) Learn from surgical demonstrations and live surgery performed by Professor Ucer
d) Perform sinus grafting surgery under supervision at ICE hospital after completing parts 1 – 4 of the course (optional)
The course will cover everything you need to know about advanced bone and tissue reconstructive surgery including lateral sinus grafting. You will be taught by a faculty of eminent ENT consultants, oral surgeons and implant experts, under Professor Ucer’s lead, benefitting from his 30 years of experimental and clinical expertise in hard and tissue regenerative surgery, vertical & horizontal GBR sinus grafting and the treatment of severely atrophic maxilla & mandible including zygomatic implant surgery.
You will also learn how to use Implant-Pro, a unique on-line patient assessment and treatment planning tool developed by ICE Faculty. You will have one year’s free access to use this outstanding on-line tool for automated treatment planning and informed consent generation, standardised for each individual patient from the raw clinical and diagnostic data gathered during assessment.
Course Structure
Learning objectives
- Gain practical knowledge of the surgical anatomy of the head and neck including vital structures, blood vessels, nerves, muscles and tissue spaces on cadavers in order to develop surgical confidence and precision
- Learn how to assess, diagnose and manage sinus diseases
- Learn from Professor Ucer’s 30 years of research and clinical experience to avoid complications and achieve predictable and successful treatment outcomes
- Consistently perform an unbiased critical appraisal of the biomaterials used in regenerative oral & maxillofacial implant surgery
- Benefit from the support of the leading biomaterials and implant companies in a multi-system approach and learn how to choose the best product that suits each patient’s individual anatomical, functional and personal needs, rather than the commercial interest of one particular manufacturer or biomaterials supplier
- Develop advanced surgical skills in regenerative oral surgery and implantology under the guidance and mentorship of our eminent faculty of ENT and oral surgery experts
Download Course Brochure
Supervised Clinical Training (Part 5)
Course Gallery
Course Highlights
Teaching Faculty

Prof. Cemal Ucer
Specialist Oral Surgeon BDS, MSc, PhD, MFDS RCS (Eng), FCGDent, FDTFEd(RCSEd) | GDC: 57048
Academic Lead, MSc Dental Implantology, University of Salford.
Fellow of British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Director of Centre for Oral & Maxillofacial and Dental Implant Reconstruction.

Mr Abbad Toma
Consultant ENT Surgeon MBBCh, FRCS, FRCS (ORL) | GMC – 3213580
St George’s University Hospital, London & Fellow of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.
Abbad has been teaching alongside Prof Cemal Ucer and Miss Sarah Little on the 3-day Sinus Augmentation course since 2011.

Dr Ulpee Darbar
Ulpee is Divisional Clinical Director of the Eastman Dental Hospital and also the Lead for dental implants at the Eastman as well as being Clinical Tutor for the trainees and Programme Director for the Dental SHOs.

Professor Simon Wright
Clinical Lead, MSc Dental Implantology, University of Salford.
Chair of the National Advisory Board in Human Factors.
Director of ICE Postgraduate Dental Institute & Hospital.

Professor Rabia Sannam Khan
B.D.S (PAK), Master’s in Experimental Oral Pathology (UK), PhD scholar, Lancaster University (UK), MIADR, MIAOP, FICD (USA), FPFA (USA)
Director of Education and Research at ICE Postgraduate Dental Institute & Hospital
Editorial board member of Dental Journals.
Currently completing a PhD in Bio-engineering at Lancaster University; a collaborative project with the NHS.

Dr Stratos Efstratiou
Stratos graduated as a dentist in 1992 in South Africa. He works as a dentist in Hertfordshire and has been involved with implants since 1999. He completed a Diploma in Implantology at the Eastman in 2010. He switched from conventional methods of sinus lift surgery to using Osstem CAS and LAS lift methods in 2012 and has lectured for Osstem since then.

Dr Stefan Berger
Diploma in Biomedical Engineering and a doctorate in Material Sciences
Stefan joined Zimmer Biomet in 2010 as a Product Manager and Product Specialist for Regenerative Materials. In his current role, Stefan is responsible for product introductions, product launches and post market product experiences and has 17 years of previous experience in the field.

Dr Peter Fairbairn
Dentist BDS University of Witwatersrand 1981 GDC No. 58047
Dr Peter JM Fairbairn has been the principal Dental Surgeon at the Scarsdale Dental Clinic since 1989, having been at the forefront of placing and restoring dental implants since 1991.
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